Baby B’s Tiny Toe Prints - Children’s Hospital 2022

How does it work (exactly)?

We meet at your preferred space, and need only a table or breakfast tray (whatever is comfortable and convenient for the person we’re printing). I will have a small bit of clay that I’ll roll into a ball(s) and you or I gently press the person’s finger (or thumb) into the clay and that’s it! While I am there, I will make a hole in the top to make it into a pendant or key chain. You are welcome (and encouraged) to take photos of your loved one making their prints so you have photos to accompany the memories. It’ll make your pieces that much more meaningful. What makes our prints so special is that your loved one is physically making the impression that you’ll be wearing. It IS the piece of jewelry. Their soulprint. Your loved one is infusing your print with love and intention and clients comment about how they can feel that love when wearing their print. Once we have our prints, I will be out of your way to bring the pieces home to fire, finish, and return ASAP. Silver clay has a shrinkage rate of approximately 10% so your print will be a touch smaller when fired. While tiny babies do not have well defined fingerprint lines, we can (and have) taken impressions of newborn and stillborn fingers and toes. ❤️

What if we realize we need more at a later date?

We provide the option of creating a quick backup silicone mold from which we can create more prints at any point down the road. You’ll just want to keep it in a safe place so you know where it is should that time come.

can you obtain the print after my loved one has passed?

Yes, we can come to you in the moments after their passing and get a direct clay impression print and/or the silicone mold in order to create several prints, or we can meet you at the funeral home to take the print(s)/mold there. You may need to work with your funeral home to set up a time for us to come get the print. They will tell you they already do this, but their process is different and not a direct impression like ours. It’s a matter of preference (and we’re biased).

do you work with ashes?

Absolutely! We have made rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings and key chains with a small bit of ash that are both beautiful and as discrete as you’d like them.

do you only do fingerprinting on folks in hospice?

Oh, no! We do fingerprints on folks of ALL ages and stages of life! In sickness and in health. Teeny tiny babes do not yet have defined fingerprint lines, so it’s better to wait until they’re a little older to capture their prints, or take them a few times throughout childhood (as I have done and yes, I’ll provide a frequent flyer discount!) My daughter wears both of her parents’ prints every day, and we wear hers! It’s a beautiful way to keep one another close whether you’re just away at work/school OR if you are distanced by a physical death.

can you make a print from an ink fingerprint or do you need the actual finger?

There is a method to do this, but we do not have the technology. If an ink print is all you have, there are folks on Etsy that can help. We need to take our prints from the person directly, or from a silicone mold.

can you do prints via mail? or do i have to be local?

So glad you asked! YES, we can do it via mail. Contact me for details and I’ll walk you through the process of making your mold.

do you do any other types of printing?

YES! We can make sweet pendants, key chains, earrings, and more from your PET’S paw pad and/or nose print.

Mel and her dad - photo by Foton-Foto

photo by Foton-Foto

post mortem fine silver fingerprints

post mortem fine silver fingerprints taken at a funeral home